Short Stories Atom feed

If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a maw

‣‣‣ 2748 words ( read)

In a non-canon story set before the NCC students were even out of middle school, an adventure in dodging balls takes place.

    The Extreme

    ‣‣‣ 1960 words ( read)

    The battle at the end of the Eden raids' Savage tier, from someone who has not even watched a video about it. As well as the aftermath of the battle.


      ‣‣‣ 952 words ( read)

      Adela tends to Sophia after she overdoes it to protect Ren.

        There are more short stories that are not safe for work. If you are curious and comfortable with the possibility you might see adult content and over 18, you can switch to the NSFW version of this page.